Application for booking of the apartment shall be made in prescribed application from duly signed by the applicant with booking money. The company has the right to accept or reject any application.

After receipt to the application, the applicant will be requested to confirm the booking by making the down payment within
a specified period. Allotment is made generally “first come first serve basis”

Until full payment of installment is made & Possession obtained the buyer shall not transfer or sell the unit to a third party.

The buyer must strictly adhere to the installment schedule to ensure timely completion of the construction work. Delay in payments beyond the due date shall make the allottee liable to pay a charge as per Banking Rules per month on the amount of payment delayed.

Delays in payments beyond the due date will make the allottee liable to pay a delay charge of 5% per 30 days for the amount of payment delayed. If the payment is delayed beyond 60 days, the company shall have the right to cancel the allotment without notice to the allottee. In such cases via deposited amount will be refunded after sell out the same apartment to a new buyer. Also, an amount of taka 5 lakh only will be reduced from the buyer deposited amount for incidental purchase.

The buyer shall bear all costs relating to transfer, registration, VAT, gain tax, and any other govt. Taxes related to transfer and Registration Procedure.

Connection fees, security deposit & incidental expenses/charges relating to gas, water, sewerage, and power connection are not included in the price of the apartment, the buyer shall reimburse all the expenses incurred by the company on these when requested.

The possession of each apartment and parking space shall duly be handed over to the allottee on completion and full payment of installment and other charges and dues. Before these, the possession of the apartment will remain with the company.

Various interior designing and additional fittings and fixtures as per the choice of the flat owner/allottee may be done at cost basis after approval of the company.

• Until full payment is made and possession obtains, the buyer shall not do any extra work/modification work within the
apartment complex on his or her own. The company has the right to make any minor change/ modification for the betterment of the project.

• The structural and column layout may be rearranged for better interest. In such event, the measurement of the apartment may be revised.

• For the management of common facilities like supply of electricity, water and sewerage and maintenance of the
building, etc. an Owners’ Association will be formed. All allottee(s) after full payments of installments and dues must become members of this Association for the common interest. Each allottee (for each allotment of apartments) must initially deposit Tk. 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) only in the name of the Reserve Fund for the management expenses of the complex which will be refunded to the Owners’ Association after the handover of the project by the company.

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