Our Running Projects

Location: Narinda, Bashundhara & Uttara

More properties with details in the prime location of Dhaka.

A Trusted Real Estate Company

Laxmi Builders Ltd. is the trustee to materialize your dreams for glorious future. We always believe in Quality, Commitment, Environmental Participation, Aesthetic…more..

Years of experience
Persons in the company
Apartments for clients

Our Clients Testimonial

  • They did a great job on our company Office Interior Design, Extremely knowledgeable and design skill was better than other companies.
    Interior Design
  • Laxmi Builders Ltd Provide High-Quality Contraction Service, They Will Understand Property owner need and deliver in On time. Highly Recommended.
    MR. Arif Ahmed
    Land Owner
  • We Are satisfy what they did and design looks very beautiful. Best wish for the future.
    Architectural Design

To know more details about property and price contact us

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